Washington Aerospace Club
National Association of Rocketry Section 578
Tripoli Rocketry Association Prefecture 41

3/3/2001 Minutes

  • New Members: John King
  • Attending Members: 13
  • It was discussed that we need to get out directions to the new launch site. We will be flying on March 17 for the first time, a members only launch. We will plan to begin launching at 10am. Andy has still not been able to reach Dave Davis but will continue to try. Eight members expressed a desire to go to the launch. Tim Pace got in touch with the landowner. Tim also will give notice to the airport that we will be flying 24 hrs before the launch. Kent said that he would call and remind Tim to call. Tim also talked with the local FAA about getting a waiver and initial talks look positive. More to follow next month.
  • Christopher Scott, treasure, reminded us that it was time again for dues. $10 per family.
  • Andrew talked about our club web site's tentative address, www.hawkfeather.com/wa-aero.
  • Chuck Layton talked about his allergy to epoxy and reminded us that we should be using gloves, masks, and a well-ventilated area when using epoxy.
  • Positive aspects of rails were discussed.
  • Jim Pommert shared his 1/4 scale Patriot that he will be using to take a dive into altimeters.
  • Christopher Scott talked about parachute placement.
  • Kent Newman brought his Q-leap and discussed some modes of failure.
  • 2 young guests showed their scratch built "Silver Bullet".

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