About WAC

The Washington Aerospace Club is the largest hobby rocketry club in Washington state. Active since 1997 and based in Seattle, WA, the club has members in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia. Washington Aerospace Club (WAC) is dedicated to safely designing, constructing, and flying hobby rockets while learning the underlying science and math that permits them to fly. The club supports all aspects of rocketry including model, mid-power, high-power and amateur rocketry at all levels.

The Washington Aerospace Club is affiliated with two national organizations: the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) and the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA).

The club meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Museum of Flight and newcomers are always welcome. These meetings are also held and recorded on Zoom, link sent by email prior to meetings. Recordings are available here. Meetings are an opportunity to meet other rocketeers, hear and see the latest in the hobby, and share stories and questions concerning projects or designs.

Joining Washington Aerospace Club has the advantage of providing newcomers and experienced fliers both the opportunity to meet others with similar interests. The club is a resource for "all things rocketry". Additionally, affiliation with NAR and TRA provides safety and educational guidance in helping fliers become certified at increasingly challenging levels of hobby rocketry. Both organizations support three levels of certification leading to bigger and more powerful rockets.

Through outreach programs at schools, scouts and churches, WAC works hard to foster a young person's interest in science and math by promoting rocketry as a safe, educational group activity. Local members have participated nationally in the the American Rocketry Challenge (ARC) with some teams receiving national recognition with their projects. 

Membership is $40 annually. To join Washington Aerospace, please fill out a membership form or join us at a launch or meeting.

Launch Photo: Dale Woodford's "Breath of the Wild". Photo by Jim Wilkerson.