2024-01: Frozen Thunder Launch Report (60 Acres)

Hello fellow rocketeers,

We had a successful Frozen Thunder launch this past Saturday, January 13.  We had 12 brave flyers and a handful of spectators taking on the frozen 60 acres and temperatures in the 20’s.  Flight card tally results:

(editor's note: the table formatting was not working so it is in text form here)

A motors: 9 Flown, 7 Success, 2 No Recovery

B motors: 5 Flown, 3 Success, 2 No Recovery

C motors: 8 Flown, 7 Success, 1 No recovery

D motors: 0 Flown

E motors: 9 Flown, 5 Success, 3 CATO, 1 No Recovery

F motors: 7 Flown, 6 Success, 1 No Recovery

G motors: 1 Flown, 1 Success

Cluster: 1 Flown,  1 Success

*Not counting 1 Tree and 1 bramble bush landing

Shout out to Ken Berkun who tallied 10 flights and James Mooreshire with 7 flights.

If you have any photos to share, please add them to this Google drive folder and/or have a look at Ken’s pictures: **link in email only for privacy**

We will do a recap of the launch and highlight photos at the next WAC meeting on February 7.

Special thank you to the volunteers for this launch:

Dale W. for towing the WAC trailer and providing instructions on WAC equipment.

James M. for supplying a very professional PA system.

Ken B. for capturing pictures and being a key flier.

Bryce and Nicole C. for suppling warm drinks.

All above for helping make the launch happen by volunteering your time for setup, take down, RSO and LCO duties.  Without these volunteers the launch would not happen.

Fly safe,

Jack Poehlman

WAC Vice-President