2025 Meeting Schedule
1st Wednesday of the Month
from 7pm - 9pm
Location: Museum of Flight, Seattle (Details)
Teams (Virtual invite sent out over Email List)
Next Meeting: March 5, 2025
March: Mike Wong: The Science of Star Trek
April: Odd Rocs Panel
May(tenative): Museum of Flight, Neil Woodward
Future TBD: Active Flight Control: Dale Woodford
Future Dates:
Mar. 5th
Apr. 2nd
May 7th
June 4th
WAC Meetings are an opportunity for the group to get together and talk rockets. They are usually the first wednesday of the month. We often have a speaker or special topic every month, and participants always have time to share their recent projects. Whatever the project, big or small, you are encouraged to bring it in and share it with the group.