2024-02 Thawed Out Thunder Launch Report (60 Acres)
The weather today for our February launch turned out to be ideal. The nice weather brought out many new fliers and spectators. We shared the field with several ARC (formerly TARC) teams and were joined by an enthusiastic group from Blue Origin.
Thanks to plenty of volunteers for equipment set-up, range operation, and equipment breakdown, the launch ran very smoothly. We had a total of 126 flights during the four-hour launch that burned a total of 131 motors. A few CATOs, a few crashes, and one flight that left the field were the only blemishes to an otherwise great day of flying. The motor breakdown showed the usual peak at C as follows:
1/4A - 1 motor
1/2A - 1 motor
A - 18 motors
B - 26 motors
C - 45 motors
D - 14 motors
E - 14 motors
F - 12 motors
G - 1 motor
The flights include a couple of clusters and a couple of staged flights. Thanks again to all of the volunteers who helped today.
Our next launch is scheduled for Saturday, March 3rd, again at 60 Acres.
Jim Pommert